Not to be discouraged by a little rain, I left Bellingham in a downpour to see how tough those bumble bees really are. It was still sprinkling at the trailhead and I actually managed to stay dry until I got into wet brush just below the tree line, at which point my pants quickly became sodden. It was misting heavily and probably in the high 50s or low 60s when I broke into the subalpine. There wasn't much insect activity, but I did spot a large queen foraging on a False Azalea and a worker (
Bombus melanopygus) on a Valerian.
I set up two more plots, so now I have three.
Phenological notes:
Embryonic Cascade Blueberry berries |
Cascade Blueberry (
Vaccinium deliciosum) -- mostly done flower, with only a few flowers. Most plants had embryonic berries and a few were filled out and green.
White Rhododendron (
Rhododendron albiflorum) -- just starting to flower.
Subalpine Fleabane (
Erigeron peregrinus) -- just starting to flower
Subalpine Spiraea (
Spiraea densiflora) -- just starting to flower
Bistort (
Bistorta sp.) -- just starting to flower
Pink Mountain Heather (
Phllodoce empetriformis) -- flowering
Slender Bog Orchid
Platanthera stricta) -- flowering
Sitka Valerian (
Valeriana sitchensis) -- flowering
Bracted Lousewort (
Pedicularis bracteosa) -- flowering
Arnica latifolia) -- flowering
Veronica sp.) -- flowering
Castilleja sp.) -- flowering
False Azalea (
Menziesia ferruginea) -- flowers fading
Sitka Mountain-ash (
Sorbus sitchensis) -- flowers fading
Salmonberry (
Rubus spectabilis) -- flowers fading
Glacier Lily (
Erythronium grandiflorum) -- Didn't see [finished]
Spring Beauty (
Claytonia lanceolata) Didn't see [finished]